Thursday, March 13, 2008

Top movies of the last year

I have not really posted anything in a while, but in an effort to get back into this sweet cyber-world I have decided to post my top movies of the last year. Also for some reason I saw a lot of movies in 2007. That is probably because I am seriously kick-A and not because I am lame and hit nothing better to do.

1. No Country for Old Men- Far and away the best movie all year. Nothing was cooler then the ending and hearing how mad people were in the theater! Amazing pacing, footage and incredible dialogue! Freaking fantastic film.

2. Lars and the Real Girl- One of the sweetest and most sensitive movies that I have seen. Interlaced with good clean humor. Ryan Gosling (famous for his role in the terrible movie: The Notebook) does an amazing job as Lars. If you have not seen this it is a must.

3. The Bourne Ultimatum- the best of the Bourne films, which is saying an awful lot. Strap on your boots cause you are in for an explosive ride.

4. Michael Clayton- Amazing story with some of the best triumph moments and stick-it to the man scenes since Shawshank. Plus I almost fell in love with George Clooney again.

5. Juno- funny offbeat and full of laugh out loud moments. Michael Cera is fantastic.

6. Breach- forgotten movie from the start of the year. Intense moments. Who doesn’t want to be a mole after this one? The craziness of being a double agent. Nuts.

7. Ratatouille- Clever Pixar, always producing hits. Loved the French feel. Everyone should love France- it is the motherland.

8. 1408- The only good horror film of the year. At least it was from the master himself Stephen King.

9. Blades of Glory- Guilty pleasure of the year. Full of some of the greatest awkward gay moments ever. Two hotdogs in one bun—does that look right to you?

10. Live Free or Die Hard- Guilty pleasure number 2. Intense action that in no way takes itself too seriously. Bruce Willis may be 95 but he still throws it down.

Honorable mentions:
Stardust, Dan in real life, Charlie Wilson’s War

1 comment:

Anne said...

With the exception of Michael Clayton which was sooo boring I slept through the whole thing, and your #'s 8 and 10 which I haven't seen, this could easily be my list.

Guess what, I live 5 minutes from the park that Robert Hanssen was caught at. Exciting huh? Living in DC, it's hard not to see a chalk mark and not think it's an indication of a dead drop. This place is sooooooo exciting and scandalous. I love it.

Do you remember when we were on a bowling team called The Mullets together? Those were good times.